Does Anyone Know Why UberEATS Is Gone?
This morning, my kiddo had a fever and is sick with a sore throat but that is neither here nor there because OMG UBER EATS IS GONE***!
I had decided to order her something from Quiznos because she wanted their pita wrap, so I whipped out my cell phone and opened up the Uber Eats app.
I got this message:
"We're coming soon. We're not quite where you are yet. We can notify you when we are near you."
What. The. Fudge.
I went over to my Google Play store to update the app. That'll fix it, I thought to myself. But lo and behold, I updated the UberEats app and still got that message.
No more fast and super-friendly deliveries from Taj Palace or El Mirador the Second. No more scrolling through the McDonald's menu to see what I want to have delivered to my humble abode. Nope. For some reason, Uber Eats is no longer available in the city of Yakima.
Please bring back my UberEATS! I'll tip better, I promise!
*pours a 40 oz for the memories*
***UPDATE: 9:06pm - I heard from one of the restaurant vendors who uses UberEats to deliver delicious food from her business and she said that she "spoke to Uber eats and they said that they are still active in Yakima but they're having a glitch of some sort." UberEats told the restauranteur that they hope to have the glitch fixed within 24 hours. Stay tuned!
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