We’re Almost There! Over Half of WA Schools Offer Free MealsWe’re Almost There! Over Half of WA Schools Offer Free MealsEfforts to expand free meal programs in Washington schools are underway, but more support is needed for hungry students to thrive academically.John RiggsJohn Riggs
Yakima School District Staff Say Cut Administrators Not TeachersYakima School District Staff Say Cut Administrators Not TeachersThe cuts by the district have upset many including district staff, those who work in the district.Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Did You Get A Ballot? Time To Help Schools in the ValleyDid You Get A Ballot? Time To Help Schools in the ValleyYakima County Auditor Charles Ross says he expects a larger turnout in this presidential election year.Lance TormeyLance Tormey
No Resource Officers in Yakima Schools in 2024No Resource Officers in Yakima Schools in 2024 US authorities say more than 340 school shootings were reported in the United States in 2023.Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Looking For Election Night Results? Here’s All You NeedLooking For Election Night Results? Here’s All You NeedDepending upon where you live it was a busy ballot with lots of choices for voters.Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Are Yakima Schools Forcing Kids To Come To School Sick?Are Yakima Schools Forcing Kids To Come To School Sick?Who is better to decide if the child is feeling well enough to learn, the parent or school nurse?Timmy!Timmy!
School Shootings in WA a Big Concern in YakimaSchool Shootings in WA a Big Concern in YakimaSchool shootings are a big concern for police and school officials in Yakima. Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Northwest Harvest and Yakima Schools Partner For Better Food PrepNorthwest Harvest and Yakima Schools Partner For Better Food PrepEach school day the Yakima School District provides breakfast and lunch free of charge. The food is available to any of the 16,000 students in the district.Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Social Media Threat Causes Increased Patrols at Yakima SchoolSocial Media Threat Causes Increased Patrols at Yakima SchoolPolice Capt. Jay Seely says no problems were reported this morning but he says they'll keep an increased presence at the school all day. Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Yakima Program Helping Students Caught in Domestic ViolenceYakima Program Helping Students Caught in Domestic ViolenceYakima Police say the program is making a meaningful impact on the future of the community. Lance TormeyLance Tormey