Born and bred in the Yakima Valley, Timmy has loved radio ever since watching his grandfather work on the microphone. In the past 24 years on KATS-FM, he’s followed his grandfather’s footsteps: telling tales, entertaining people, and introducing music that changes lives. Timmy’s talents include comedy improv and stand-up comedy, along with a love for all things nerdy. Timmy is fascinated writing articles about the paranormal, serial killers, comic books, and new weird junk-food reviews. Whether he’s behind the keyboard, on the stage, or broadcasting to the world through a microphone, you’re sure to be entertained.
Yakima Answers: Why Don’t We Have More Tall Buildings?
A question was asked, and Yakima citizens responded. Some positive, some negative, some funny!
Hotdog Flavored Chips In Yakima! Too Early For A BBQ?
Two good tastes, but do they taste good together? On a plate, yes! But in a single chip?
17 Of Washington State’s Biggest Natural Disasters
Let's take a disastrous trip through history at some of the devastation in Washington state.
$5.2 Billion In Unclaimed Property In WA! Could Some Be Yours?
Department of Revenue's Unclaimed Property Manager has stated that Washington has quite the amount of unclaimed property. Finger's crossed that you may have a payday coming!
10 Weird Things Dirtier Than A Washington Toilet!
We've tracked down 10 common things that contain more bacteria on average than a toilet. Weird when you think about it.
Are You Ready For Seattle’s Emerald City Comic Con?
Are you ready to get your 'Con' on?
CA & WA Are Among The 5 Most Expensive States For Groceries
Study reveals average American household spends over $1,000 monthly on groceries. How does that break down in Washington and California?
More Trader Joe’s In Washington! How Can We Get One In Yakima?
This is how we get one in our city... but do we really need one?
Attention Yakima, Shine Up Your Chrome & Prep Your Rides!
If you like Cars, Chrome, & Coffee... get ready!
Can I Get A Ticket For My Batman Frame In Washington?
Riddle Me This!?!?