I grew up in the evergreen state of Washington, and I firmly believe that home is where the heart is.

I have traveled around the world and have gained new insights, and I feel that every place has its faults and strengths, especially if you are looking for them.

Focus on the bad; that’s what you will find. I try to take the opposite approach, and that’s why it broke my heart when I saw that Washington was on this list.

I’m in my 40s, and with the economy the way it is, I sometimes wonder if I’ll ever get to retire or just work until I die.

Broken down cabin in the woods

When (and if) the day comes that I can kick back and enjoy the fruits of my many years of labor, I plan on staying right here.

If for no other reason, to paraphrase the late, great George Carlin, “This is the place for all my stuff!

However, according to a recent survey released by Bankrate.com, Washington isn’t as happy a place for people to spend their golden years as I might have hoped.


Bankrate’s Annual Rankings report examined the health care, affordability, crime rate, average weather, and overall well-being of each of the 50 states.

Out of those five parameters, affordability was scrutinized with the utmost importance (which makes sense since most retirees are on fixed incomes), and crime was the least weighed when ranking the states.

Ranking The Worst States To Retire In

As I said earlier, I was saddened to hear about this, but seeing how some of our great cities have deteriorated before our very eyes, I’m not too surprised we’re on the lower end of 50. But how bad are we?

The only states worse than Washington to retire in are Alaska and New York.

You read that right: Washington state ranks 48th among the worst states for retirees, just edging out California!

Why Is Washington So Low On The List To Retire In?

Where Washington was dinged the harshest (as well as the other low-listed states) is the cost of living.

For those who live in Washington, you know the cost of keeping a roof over your head keeps rising; add to that, the increasing cost of food and utilities, and that equals big hardships for people on fixed incomes.


Check out Bankrate’s full listings, then Tap The App and let us know if you agree with Washington’s placement at the bottom of the list.

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The 15 Best Places to Retire in Washington State

LOOK: Best Counties To Retire to in Washington

Stacker compiled a list of the best counties to retire in Washington using data from Niche.

Gallery Credit: Stacker