Where Can You Find Gluten-Free Snacks for Kids in Yakima Valley Grocery Stores?
Photo by Anton on Unsplash
Ever tried to throw a birthday party for your kid and then get hit with the inevitable "Mom, we need to have 25 cupcakes and 1 gluten-free snack with sugar!"
This dilemma struck me last night as I was being told at the very last minute (right before my child's bedtime) that I needed to find something sweet that was gluten-free for a class birthday party for my 10-year-old child who is now ELEVEN!
First of all, please give me a moment to let that shock sink in, that I have an eleven-year-old child when most days I still feel like a teenager myself! This does not include the days when my aging bones betray me to mysterious cracks, pops, and inexplicable aches.
Faced with the traumatic predicament of figuring out what the [BLEEP] is a gluten-free snack with sugar with only a few hours notice, I hopped onto Google and searched, "gluten-free snacks for kids". Thankfully, our grocery stores are packed with delicious goodies so that our sweet gluten-free kids don't have to feel left out during class parties with treats! All I could think about was some lonesome child sitting there without something sweet to eat and that broke my heart.
I made it my quest to find the best sweet treats at the store for that one child I've never met!
I found some great stuff available in the Yakima Valley at your local Safeway, Rosauer's, Wray's Thriftway, and of course, Walmart will have some things, too.
Who knew Oreos had a gluten-free option? This is so cool! I ended up getting these for the child in my kid's classroom who needed a delicious sweet treat!
Fruit snacks are a kid favorite, so if you're looking for something sweet and gluten-free that can make a kid happy, try these on for size!
Sweet Lorens Cookie Dough Chocolate Chunk Cookies
I've never heard of these cookies but now my curiosity is peaked. COOKIE DOUGH chocolate chip cookies? Yes, please!
Girl Scout Cookies: Toffee Tastic
When my daughter Willow was a Daisy, Brownie, and Junior Girl Scout, there were always people asking us for gluten-free cookies at our Cookie Booth sales. Toffee Tastics cookies were the go-to for that!
Goodie Girl Birthday Cake Gluten-Free Cookies (via Amazon.com)
You'll have to hop on Amazon to buy these cookies but they look really, really, really good!
Please share your tips for other delicious gluten-free snacks we can find at the grocery store so that we can help the next panicking parent faced with the same tricky situation! <3< p>
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