
The Top 4 Places to Spot a UFO in Washington
The Top 4 Places to Spot a UFO in Washington
The Top 4 Places to Spot a UFO in Washington
True Believers know aliens are among us or are they? Washington State is the largest in the nation and even the world for UFO sightings, does this mean aliens are among us or something else? Seeing is believing so here are Four cities where you can spot a UFO in Washington!
Mysterious Moxee Mower Makes Mockery
Mysterious Moxee Mower Makes Mockery
Mysterious Moxee Mower Makes Mockery
Yesterday (Oct. 19), a lawnmower was left abandoned on the sidewalk outside my house in East Valley. What started as a curiosity turned into comedy gold as many of my friends and family members chimed in with their ideas as to how the mystery mower wound up there.
Spooky Good Ghost Hunting Gear
Spooky Good Ghost Hunting Gear
Spooky Good Ghost Hunting Gear
Today is the last Saturday of September and you know what that means: it's National Ghost Hunting Day! Whether you're simply curious about ghost hunting or looking to expand upon your seasoned paranormal investigations these key pieces of equipment are guaranteed to guide you toward a haunting good time.