You could work from home but be careful where you are applying or help the community while helping yourself with these fresh job listings that just became available!
Nestled on the corner of 1st and Washington is Yakima's Home Depot. A great place with a great location. Growing up in Yakima, however, it belonged to a very different store that a lot in Yakima hold very fond memories of. That would be the Country Store. It's a little hard to describe what the Country Store actually was but I'll do my best based on my own memories.
With rising COVID cases all across the country and hospitalizations growing in East Texas, many big name retail stores are reinstating mask policies for employees and customers.
I saw this John Richard 4-piece framed set of leaves made out of metal from the Neiman Marcus department store. It costs $2,445. Here's how I did my DIY: I spray-painted the leaves and floral picks, let them dry, and then glued them onto the canvas. That was it! I spent less than 40 bucks!