Should Yakima School District kids return to school? I am not really ready to give a final answer to this question.

When the COVID pandemic first hit, I (along with millions of other parents across the globe) was frantic about choosing the right option for my child's education. My daughter, Willow, at the time, was in 3rd grade in public school in the Yakima District. I can almost taste the air the last day our kids went to class at the school building. It was a cold day in March of 2020. It was the second or third week of the month. Parents were buzzing around the school grounds looking for teachers and administrative staff who could answer our question of, "How long will our kids be out of school?" We all of a sudden turned into Mean Girl Moms and Dads!


Fast forward to today, a cold day in January 2021. I never would have expected our kids to be out of the classroom this long. I am very thankful in many ways though, because I personally do not feel comfortable sending my child to school in a large classroom setting.

My main cause for concern was simply this: You know how your kid goes to school and one day comes home with a cough or a runny nose? And the next thing you know, YOU have a bad cough and a runny nose. The last thing I want in my or my child's life is for her to catch The Rona at school and then bring it home to me.

I am also a hypochondriac, so I worry that I will catch every little disease or airborne sickness. (I have been that way since early adulthood.)

I have intensely hated every millisecond of every day that my child has been at home doing virtual Google Classroom school through the Yakima District since the 3rd week of March 2020 until now. I have grown a hearty bunch of gray hair in the front and in the back of my head from the extreme stress I have endured. Trying to get my kid to do classwork assignments, read lessons, and stay awake in the Google classroom meets has been (in mind) punishment wished upon me by my worst enemy.

Touche, you enemy. I GIVE UP, YOU WIN!

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