Last year was the premiere of the Sagebrush Hills Film Festival, created by Yakima locals Soo Choi and Clayton Bussey. The event showcased some amazing films which were hand-picked to spark conversations, and delighted members of the community of all ages. This year the venues have changed for the film screenings, but the Friday Night opening gala returns to the Museum! Check out the full list of film screenings and schedule here.



Friday, November 10th thru Sunday, November 12th


Yakima Valley Museum, 2105 Tieton Dr. (Friday)

The Hop Shop, 702 N 1st Ave, Ste D, (Saturday)

Gilbert Cellars, 5 N Front Street, Suite 100 (Saturday)

Glenwood Square, 5110 W Tieton Dr. (Sunday)

Cost: Purchase film screening tickets or a weekend pass here.

Weekend Pass (includes Silver Screen Gala and all ticketed events): $40

Friday Night Silver Screen Gala (11/10): $30

Saturday (11/11): $8 per screening

Sunday (11/12): $8 per screening

Sagebrush Hills Film Festival is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization "dedicated to presenting an array of relevant and engaging films to the Yakima Valley community."

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