Your Yakima River Canyon Rated Tops For Winter Anglers
When you think of fishing you might not think of fishing during the winter but if that's what you like to do you're in the right place. That's because the Yakima River Canyon has been named one of the best winter fishing destinations in the country for 2023.
FishingBooker, a website https://fishingbooker.com/ for scheduling fishing trips, has put together a list of the top winter fishing destinations in the United States for 2023, and Yakima River Canyon is on the list.
If you fish you know the attraction in the Yakima River Canyon
Officials with FishingBooker say the big attraction during the winter months in the canyon is fishing for Rainbow Trout. According to a news release from FishingBooker "It’s at this time of year the trout get “funneled” to specific zones where anglers in the know will target them. The defined drop-offs and slowdowns following large riffles are known as “feed me” zones and are a hallmark of Yakima River winter fishing."
Yakima Valley Tourism prompted the site to talk about Yakima
Last month officials from Yakima Valley Tourism contacted FishingBooker hoping they would include the Yakima River Canyon in a feature they were putting together.“We’re happy they considered our pitch and included the canyon,” stated Adam Stewart, Communications and Travel Trade Manager for Yakima Valley Tourism. “The Canyon is a special place for anglers, locals and visitors. ”FishingBooker says the Yakima River is the state's only Blue Ribbon Trout stream and is the only "West Coast pick this Year." Rainbow Trout are the big attraction during the winter months in the canyon.
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