Yakima Republicans Name Replacements For Commission
The Yakima County Republican party has named three people it would like to see replace Norm Childress on the Yakima County Commission. Childress, the District 3 commissioner died on September 15. On Wednesday the republican party held a meeting at the Yakima Sundome and chose Autumn Torres, Jim Restucci and LaDon Linde as the top three candidates. Torres is a Human Resources Director for Husch & Husch in Harrah, Restucci serves on the Sunnyside City Council and Linde is Director of Medical Staff Services at Astria Sunnyside Hospital.
11 people declared their candidacy for the position. Three were chosen by the party. The three names will now be forwarded to Yakima County Commissioners Ron Anderson and Vicki Baker to appoint a person to the position. According to state law the seat must be filled by November 15.