Yakima County NAACP Announces Juneteenth Week 2020 Celebrations
There are a lot of people in Yakima who go, "HUH?" when I tell them that my daughter, Willow, is the current reigning Little Miss Juneteenth 2018-2020. (Jaxon Parks is the current reigning Little Mr. Juneteenth 2018-2020!)
"What is Juneteenth?" they ask me.
I explained this a couple of years ago, so you can click here for a quick JUNETEENTH summary, but the most important thing to remember is that Juneteenth is the celebration of Black Independence in the United States of America.
The Yakima County NAACP is putting on its annual Juneteenth celebration, but since we're all living in the time of COVID-19, they are going to handle things completely different this year. (Click here for instructions on how to join the Yakima County NAACP.)
JUNETEENTH FAMILY REUNION: on Friday, June 19th at 1 p.m., the national NAACP is holding a virtual "Family Reunion". Anyone is welcome to attend.
FREEDOM RIDE CAR & MOTORCYCLE PARADE: On Friday night (June 19th) at 6 p.m., there will be a car parade from South 6th Ave riding all the way over to the Henry Beauchamp Community Center. This is a bring-your-own-car-and-motorcycle event and welcome to anyone in Yakima County.
JUNETEENTH MOVIE NIGHT: On Saturday, June 20th at 7 p.m., the Yakima County NAACP is hosting a virtual movie watch party of "Just Mercy", starring Jamie Foxx and Michael B. Jordan. The movie is based on a true story about Walter McMillian's appeal of a murder conviction, together with his defense attorney.
VIRTUAL TOWN HALL FORUM: On Thursday, June 25th at 6 p.m., the Yakima County NAACP will host a virtual town hall forum with local law enforcement and political leaders to discuss racial tensions, inequitable police practices, and the continued systemic oppression against Black Americans.
Click here for more info on Yakima County NAACP's Juneteenth Week celebration and events or check out the flyer below.
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