Yakima Gun Owners Impacted With New Laws Friday
A new law will impact gun owners in Yakima and Washington State on Friday when the sale of ammunition magazines which hold more than 10 rounds will be banned for sale in the state. Diane Maybry, co-owner of Yakima's Bestway Pawn says starting Friday, July 1 it will also be against state law to import, manufacture and distribute the larger capacity magazines the reason why she's trying to sell those that are in stock in the store. Washington will join 9 other states on Friday which include California, Hawaii and Colorado in limiting capacity.
Stores will be limited to 10 round magazines on Friday, July 1
After July 1, Maybry says she'll only be to import and sell those with only a 10 round capacity. However she says possessing high-capacity magazines will still be allowed in the state. In other words the magazines you own on June 30 will be the same magazines you own when the new law is enacted Friday, July 1.
Can you drive to another state and purchase larger capacity magazines? That's prohibited under the new law.
Another gun law also impacts gun owners in Washington State Friday
Also on Friday, July 1 another gun law goes into effect that bans the “manufacturing, assembling, selling, offering to sell, transferring, or purchasing” of untraceable firearms, also known as ghost guns. However you can still own a ghost gun until next year. That's when residents in Washington State will be required to have federal firearms dealers serialize the guns.
If you own a ghost gun things will change for you next year
The law will not regulate possession of ghost guns until next year, when Washingtonians will have to have their weapons serialized by authorized federal firearms dealers. In March of 2023, “knowingly or recklessly possessing, transporting, or receiving” untraceable firearms will be against the law.
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