Yakima City Leaders Talk Redistricting Plan Tuesday
The Yakima City Council is expecting to hear from Yakima residents during the council meeting at Yakima City Hall Tuesday. Council members have a short agenda that includes a public hearing on the city draft redistricting plan. It was created by the City’s Information Technology Services staff following Council review of redistricting proposals during a meeting on March 8th. Any changes in the plan? City officials say the redistricting proposal uses 16th Avenue as a general boundary for City Council Districts 3 and 4 rather than Nob Hill Boulevard.
City leaders must review the plan based on the latest federal census
City officials say they must redistrict based on population information from the most recent federal census. The council must review and approve district boundaries before November 2022.
Tonight's meeting starts at 5:30 pm.
The council is expected to pass two resolutions;
Telecommunicator Week Proclamation
Arbor Day Proclamation
The council will consider a number of other resolutions Tuesday
A. Approval of minutes from the March 15, 2022 City Council regular meeting, March 22, 2022 study session and March 26 and 29, 2022 special meetings
B. Set date of May 3, 2022 for an open record public hearing to consider the Yakima Planning Commission's recommendation regarding proposed 2022 text amendments
C. Resolution authorizing permit issuance for the installation of an awning located 3 feet over the right of way at 307 E Arlington Street
D. Resolution authorizing permit issuance for the installation of a fence in the right of way at 225 N 2nd Street
E. Ordinance adding a new Chapter 3.130 Biennial Budget to Title 3 of the Yakima Municipal Code and amending municipal code sections to reflect the biennial budget
7. Public Comment
There will be 35 minutes allotted for public comment with two and a half (2 1/2) minutes per speaker in order to allow as much opportunity as possible for audience participation. Written communication and e-mail messages are strongly encouraged.
The public hearing on the redistricting plan
8. Public meeting on the draft redistricting plan. Find information at https://www.yakimawa.gov/media/points-of-interest/draft-redistricting-plan/
The Council also has some important business
9. 2022 Housing Action Plan - 1st Quarter Report
10. Resolution adopting the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan and Self-Evaluation Report
11. Resolution declaring the property located at 115 North 8th Street, Yakima, Washington, to be surplus to the uses and needs of the City of Yakima, and authorizing disposition of such parcel to Yakima Valley Partners Habitat for Humanity upon mutually acceptable terms and conditions
12. Resolution authorizing an interagency agreement with the Washington State Department of Ecology to access and secure estate insurance monies for the Frank Wear Cleaner’s Site
13. Ordinance amending the 2022 Budget for the City of Yakima and making appropriations from Unappropriated Fund Balances within various Funds for expenditure during 2022 for various purposes (First Reading).
The next meeting will be a City Council study session on April 12 at 5:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Yakima City Hall.
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