Driver Crashes SUV Into Law Offices on Yakima AvenueDriver Crashes SUV Into Law Offices on Yakima AvenueAnother incident happened Thursday in which an officer could have been seriously injured.Lance TormeyLance Tormey
5 Things To Do If Some Idiot Steals Your Car In Washington5 Things To Do If Some Idiot Steals Your Car In WashingtonLearn how to handle a stolen car situation... after you have adequately freaked out.Timmy!Timmy!
An Open Letter to Those That Want to Just Pray About ItAn Open Letter to Those That Want to Just Pray About ItStay blessed, not stressed and be the best and do the best you can each and everyday.Sarah JSarah J
Summer Auto Theft Still a Big Problem in YakimaSummer Auto Theft Still a Big Problem in Yakima Police say on average Yakima sees upwards of 500 to 600 cars stolen every year. Last yearLance TormeyLance Tormey