Yakima Warns: No Politics Within 100 Feet of CourthouseYakima Warns: No Politics Within 100 Feet of CourthouseWith just days remaining until the election, Ross emphasizes that state law strictly prohibits any display of support for candidates or issues.Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Is Yakima Really The Palm Springs of Washington? We Know The Truth!Is Yakima Really The Palm Springs of Washington? We Know The Truth!We get a bit of a history lesson on Yakima's famous sign, and it's meaning with the comparison of the Californian city.Timmy!Timmy!
The 4 horrific Signs You’re About to Encounter a SasquatchThe 4 horrific Signs You’re About to Encounter a SasquatchThere are things in this world that are unknown, one of the biggest being sasquatch, how do you watch out for something you're not sure exists, well this list can help you survive any warning signs of a bigfoot. RyderRyder
Yakima Auditor Welcomes Voter Drop Box ObserversYakima Auditor Welcomes Voter Drop Box ObserversRoss and other auditors around the state are being warned of signs appearing on drop boxes in King CountyLance TormeyLance Tormey
5 Ways You Can Tell Someone Is Not From Yakima From A Mile Away5 Ways You Can Tell Someone Is Not From Yakima From A Mile AwayThese are five telltale signs you can tell right away that someone is NOT from Yakima.Reesha On The RadioReesha On The Radio