A Scam Cam? Debunking Traffic Cam Tickets From Outside WashingtonA Scam Cam? Debunking Traffic Cam Tickets From Outside WashingtonUnsure about a traffic camera incident? Learn how to spot a potential scam and verify the authenticity of a letter claiming collections.Timmy!Timmy!
Emphasis Patrols Slowing Yakima Drivers WeeklyEmphasis Patrols Slowing Yakima Drivers Weekly Capt. Jay Seely says Officers are expected to make 3 to 4 traffic stops everyday to slow drivers and send a message that traffic is being monitored in Yakima. Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Yakima Police Traffic Unit Still on StandbyYakima Police Traffic Unit Still on Standbythe Yakima Police Department is short 19 officers.Lance TormeyLance Tormey