I hated when the teacher would say, "Alright class, for tonight's homework..." followed by grumbles (me included). We just studied all day, now you want me to go back home and study more?! Ugh, fine!
It’s that time of year, so let the back-to-school preparations begin! A good backpack can make or break the new semester, so it’s important to pick one that will meet all the needs of the modern student. It has to look good and also have enough space for pens, pencils, textbooks and Trapper Keepers. Wait, you’re telling me it’s 2022 and no one uses Trapper Keepers anymore? Oh, alright. In that case, keep reading for some of the best backpacks for the 2022 back-to-school season!
It's that time of year again where parents have to trudge over to the "Back To School" aisles and purchase a bunch of supplies for the kiddos. Each grade has their own list of supplies and it seems that every year, there is something new added to the list...