Free Life-Jacket Giveaways for Kids in Memory of Christine Bethay
Christine Bethay was only eight-years-old and in the third grade at my daughter's school, McKinley Elementary, when she tragically drowned in Lake Cle Elum in 2015.
Christine's loving parents, Lorraine and Willie, have been hard at work ever since her passing by raising funds to give away free life-jackets to kids in the community.
This year's free event being held in Christine's honor is at Lions Pool, in collaboration with Astria Health and Yakima Parks & Recreation. In addition to free life-jacket giveaways on site, kids can enjoy games, free hot dogs, water Zumba and more. The United States Coast Guard will be on hand to fit children and will offer water and life-jacket safety education.
Mark your calendars for May 18th!
What: Life-Jackets For Christine event*
Where: Lion's Pool, 509 W. Pine St, Yakima
When: Saturday, May 18, 2019, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
*First come, first served.