Keep Yakima Clean is up to great things yet again. Their second clean-up event has been set for Saturday, March 20th, 2021 at 11:30 am.

You can follow the group on Facebook so you don't miss out on all the updates. Basically, the section to be cleaned has been picked, you'll meet at 11:30 am with your mask on and you will receive gloves, bags for trash, and a vest. A big shout-out to Agustin Gonzalez for donating these items to keep everyone safe while cleaning up the area. It's been suggested that no children under 13 should attend as some of the items picked-up include drug paraphernalia, needles, and such.

The location is in the lot between Chalmers rd. and S. 18th and continue down the road to East Maple. As always SAFETY is first. If you would like to bring your kids that is perfectly fine just make sure you keep an eye on them and prepare them for what kind of dangers they could come across. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone there!

Being that Keep Yakima Clean is a group made up of volunteers and Safe Yakima Valley wanted to offer up the use of their 501-3C codes in order to receive your volunteer hours if you are in need of them.

Kate will keep a list of all those that are in need, you provide your contact information and Safe Yakima Valley will reach out with the documents that are needed for you to mark off your hours. We will just need

Keep Yakima Clean

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