Like mother like son.

Karin Kupp, mom of Cooper Kupp, NFL super receiver for the Los Angeles Rams, is as modest and willing to share the credit for her son's success as he is.

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It Took A Village

In an interview on KIT's Morning News radio show, Mrs. Kupp credited extended family, coaches, church leaders, and "the village" as she calls it, for helping her son become the successful, high character young man he is today.

Football purists can appreciate the on-field numbers driven by work ethic, study and focus, disciplined deceptive route running, and his glue-like hands...most catches, record yardage, most touchdowns, and more!

No Fear

But you don't have to be a football fan to appreciate his character and his values in how he conducts himself as a man on and off the field. The sincere humble modesty, the deflecting of compliments to his teammates, the composed, reserved demeanor, and his eagerness to give all the glory to his Lord and Savior.

His mom says his strong faith is a not-so-secret weapon that allows him to play without doubt and free from fear and she says it is such a joy to watch that belief play out on the field.

Sports Mom

Karin Kupp knows a thing or two about athletics and commitment. She is a Pacific Lutheran University Athletics Hall of Fame inductee, having helped the program win NAIA national soccer titles in 1988 and 1989. (so is her former Pro-Quarterback husband Craig...genetics, anyone?)

She leads a fitness Boot Camp when her hectic schedule allows it and she has raised two other sons and a daughter through successful high school and college sports and into quality character lives as well.  She is just as proud of Ketner, Kobe, and Katrina as she is of Cooper.

Last Crazy Ride To L.A.

But of course, as the Super Bowl draws near, much of the family focus is on Cooper and the Rams.  Sports Illustrated did a fantastic piece on the science of developing  Cooper's scientific approach to excellence and is a really good read.

Our chat with Karin Kupp is a really good listen too!  Check it out and meet the mom behind the Ram's sports-science nerd and main man - record-setting, Super Bowl-bound,  Cooper Kupp!

CHECK IT OUT: 100 sports records and the stories behind them

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