5 Reasons You Should Watch Jeopardy This Week: A UW Student Is on There!
It's College Championship Week on Jeopardy. Yakima has been an answer on Jeopardy about 11 times, which is so awesome, but if you haven't been watching the game show lately, I'm now going to give you 5 reasons to watch Jeopardy starting this week!
1. Watch Jeopardy starting this week because University of Washington student, Kaden Lee, is representing our state!
2. Reasons 2 thru 5 are the same as Reason #1!
Before I introduce you to our University of Washington contestant, let me tell you that I had no idea watching Jeopardy is the new IT thing to do! I didn't get the memo! I found this out whilst playing Maximum Trivia night at Single Hill Brewing a few weeks back and TWO of my friends told me they are OBSESSED with watching Jeopardy. One of my friends said she particularly loved that the current reigning champion at that time, Amy Schneider, was the first trans woman to make it to being one of the top champions. She said that even Ken Jennings admitted that he would likely have lost if he played against her!
Amy had 40 consecutive wins on Jeopardy before she was dethroned by this guy:
His name is Rhone Talsma, and he was stunned like a mug when he beat Amy in the Double Jeopardy Final Round. You can watch the video of it below. (The expression "like a mug" might just be my Tennessee roots showing.)

Now let's meet Washington state's Jeopardy College Championship contestant, Kaden Lee!
He is an Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering major (he is a Junior) at the William E. Boeing Department of Aeronomics and Astromics College of Engineering. Kaden also happens to be an officer of the Quiz Bowl at the university, so he is practically a shoo-in to win at least one round of the Jeopardy: College Championship!
The Quarterfinals begin Monday, February 7th. Cornell, Dartmouth, and Stanford University students will compete against each other in Day 1.
BOOOOO! I hope they all lose (to Kaden, I mean).
Game 2 will have students from Lousiana State, Rice, and Princeton duke it out on Tuesday, February 8th. I don't like that they any of them have the slight advantage to win and take on Kaden, but that's because I'm vicious and competitive. Yes, I can be petty like that when it counts. 😂
No word on when Kaden is set to appear on Jeopardy but I will come back here and update this article as soon as I get confirmation! Washington state is behind you, Kaden Lee. We're rooting for ya!!

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