Looking to get out of dodge and find something fun and spontaneous to do this weekend? Check out what 5 fun things are happening in Portland this weekend. There’s a mix of everything from a drag brunch show to a 5k beer run, to celebrating Ghana’s Independence day, to spending St. Patrick’s Day night dancing the night away with hundreds of strangers, and a bingo night with a “trappy” twist.

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1 . Saint Paddy’s Day Bar Crawl 

Bar Crawl
Alex Voulgaris on Unsplash

Last year, there were 1,500 tickets sold. This year, you can crawl your way into a fun holiday-themed night of dancing with the 21+ crowd and sipping on beverages at some of Portland’s hottest dance clubs. Clubs include: Elevate, Shake, Mayhem, Suavecito, Detour, District, Spark, Tube, and Fabo’s Tacos.

Saturday, March 18th, from 5 p.m. to 3 a.m. the next day.

“We call it a “Club-Crawl” because all of our venues are top clubs. (Not little bars like other bar crawls use)” - Portland Events via Eventbrite

2 . 5k Beer Run 

5k Run
Kim West on Unsplash

Oregon City Brewing Co. is sponsoring a fun run this year to help raise money for local Oregon nonprofits. It’s a part of a series of 5k runs held by Oregon breweries. It is a family-friendly event that has stops at breweries along the route. People don’t have to run, they can walk, jog, do a line dance, whatever floats their boat.

Saturday, March 18th from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.


3 . Ghana Independence Day

Ghana Independence Day Celebration in Portland, OR
Oswald Elsaboath on Unsplash

The Ghana Association of Oregon is hosting a celebration of independence from colonizers at the Multnomah Arts Center. This event will feature traditional Ghanaian foods from Blackstar Grill restaurant, oral histories by Ghana notables, and cultural dancing, Ghana style.

Saturday, March 18th from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.


4 . Trap Bingo 

Trap Bingo in Portland
Matthew Maloney and Alejandro Garay on Unsplash

Sunday, March 19th at 5 p.m. The Together Everyone Achieves More (T.E.A.M.) Center is bringing a trappy twist to your ordinary bingo game. If you are a fan of Trap music AND bingo, then this 3-hour event is right up your alley! Free to attend but Bingo cards are $5 each.

“3 different games will be played: Ol' Skool, Hip-Hop, and R&B. Along with Name That Tune and Group Karaoke!” - T.E.A.M. Center

5 . Cottontails The Drag Brunch Show 

Drag Show
Quino Al on Unsplash

The Rogue Apostles Radio Show hopes that you will stop by to enjoy some high-energy fun at the Pink Rabbit cocktail bar and kitchen. Sit in one of the blue velvet booths!

Sunday, March 19th from Noon to 2 p.m.

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