4 of the Top 20 Wealthiest People Live In Washington!
As I was reading through the list, the old saying "they hate us, because they ain't us" kept ringing in my head. Do I hate these people? Nope. I don't even know them. Am I jealous of them? I'm not gonna lie, a little. Would it be neat to trade them lives for a week. Oh yeah! I just wonder how happy are these people actually? How much of it is a front vs. are they genuinely happy? Another saying kept ringing in my head as well, "do you own your possessions or do your possessions own you?"
The Forbes 400 Wealthiest Americans list is just that. The top 400 wealthiest people in America. I was quite happy to see that Washington had more of the top brass in the top 20 than any other state. As far as the full list, I believe California takes that prize.
With giant companies like Amazon and Microsoft, it's not too surprising that Washington has so many of the top dogs of wealth. In fact, Washington has 3 of the top 10! Not too shabby. If you want to see more wealth in Washington, keep scrolling to check out the 10 wealthiest people in Washington.
The Top 4 Wealthiest People In Washington State
#4 - MacKenzie Scott - 52- years-old - Amazon
#3 - Steve Ballmer - 66-years-old - Microsoft
#2 - Bill Gates - 66-years-old - Microsoft
#1 - Jeff Bezos - 58-years-old - Amazon

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