Find Out Now If You Have Any Unclaimed Cash in Your State
When was the last time you checked to see if the state you live in (or previously lived in) has money for you left over in the State Treasury? These funds can range from anything to forgotten stocks and bonds, to claims from insurance policies, unclaimed wages, bank accounts, credit card companies, refunds from utility bills, and so on. If you want to see if you have any unclaimed cash in Oregon (or any state in the U.S. for that matter), we’ll show you how easy it is to do so.
For example, Oregon has returned over $500 million in unclaimed property to residents, per the Oregon State Treasury’s website. In January 2023, Oregon Treasurer, Tobias Reed, declared that the state was in the process of returning some ten million dollars in unclaimed property to Oregonians before the end of the summer.
We'll use the state of Oregon as our example to show you the steps of how to find out if you have any unclaimed cash in your state.
1 . Click on the Oregon State Treasury Unclaimed Property link.
2 . Enter your last name or the name of the business you operated in Oregon.
3 . Scroll through the names to see if yours is on the list.
4 . Click the “CLAIM” button then follow the directions proceeding to file your claim with the state treasury.
I checked to see if my name was on a list in the previous state I lived, and sure enough, it was there. It shows that I have unclaimed property from a retail stock I bought when I was 20 years old and working at The Limited in a mall. Corporates at The Limited had purchased back stock from public shareholders in 2007 and apparently, the stock I purchased for 2 bucks way back in 1994 is now worth $86.80 to me!
To find out if you have unclaimed cash or property in any other state within the U.S., do an online search by simply typing the words “unclaimed cash”, followed by the state you wish to research. It’s that easy!
Click here to see if you have unclaimed cash in Washington state
Click here to see if you have unclaimed cash in California
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