I’ve been married for 10 years this month, so I can say with confidence that I’m rusty when it comes to the dating scene. Don’t get me wrong, my wife and I still try to do date nights. But it might just be the same ol’ same ol’. Luckily for us, we communicate well, so what many may consider a rut, we consider it a cozy hammock.

So what is your perfect date night? By all means, tap the app and let us know. Depending on who you ask and where you live, it can be drastically different.

If you live in Seattle, your idea of at date night could be hitting up one of the many clubs or even a strip joint. Maybe it’s to see the Mariners, Seahawks, Kraken, Sounders, Sea Dragons, Storm or Huskies play? Perhaps it’s just low key, dinner and a movie?


If you want to do date night right, the fine folks at LoveFood.com has picked out the best date night restaurant for every state. For Washington, it is a little place in Seattle called The Pink Door.

Restaurant, The Pink Door
Pic courtesy of The Pink Door via Google Maps
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The restaurant boasts a beautiful and artistic atmosphere, with white tablecloths, candles, live entertainment, and prides itself on working with local farms.

Restaurant The Pink Door in Seattle, WA
Pic courtesy of The Pink Door via Google Maps

So, next time you’re in the area, and you are trying to come up with the perfect date, whether it’s your first or your 10 years later night out, might not hurt to check them out.

The Pink Door Restuarant in Seattle, WA
Pic courtesy of The Pink Door via Google Maps


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