We might not have been bombarded with snow in the Yakima Valley (yet), but if you are to believe the Farmer’s Almanac, we’re far from the end of the winter season! So what does the future hold, and what about the big ones that have hit us in the past?

For the 2023 to 2024 winter season, the outlook from the Farmer’s Almanac predicted that it would be a wet and cold winter. They nailed the cold, but what about the rest?

“An unusually snowy and wet winter is also predicted for the Pacific Northwest. Should an El Niño materialize, it could direct the subtropical jet stream into California, translating into copious amounts of rain and snow across the entire Southwest.”

Farmer's Almanac

Farmer's Almanac

The spring equinox (the last day of winter) falls on March 19th, so we technically have to deal with the cold weather for a while longer. (Although forecasters have predicted the final day of winter to fall on February 29th).


Weather cycles and significant snowfall can be devastating if you’re unprepared, like many found out with these Snowstorms from Washington’s history.

The 8 Biggest Washington State Snowstorms

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