If You’re Trying to get out of the Country you’ll Need One of These.
The borders have finally opened back up but there's a few requirements if you wanna go visit our neighbors to the north or even plan a trip down to Mexico. First you'll have to be fully vaccinated.
Second you'll need to get your hands on a passport or an enhanced drivers license. More and more people are going with the enhanced license and for good reason. But in order to get one you'll need some important information.

An enhanced drivers license does everything a normal drivers license does but it also allows you to domestically travel without a passport either by air or by car. So what do you need to get one?
Proof of Citizenship
You'll need some proof of Citizenship whether you were born here or became a United States citizen, usually a birth certificate will cover this.
Of course you'll need proof of who you are with a form of identification, normally a drivers license or forma of I.D can get you thru this no problem.
Social Security Number
Right about now you're asking, "What else can I do to prove it's me?!" At this point they know it's you but taking these extra steps is pretty normal especially to stay safe while traveling. So you can bring your actual social security card or just a copy and you'll be good to go.
Proof of residence
Just to make sure you're still a Washington State local you'll need to bring some proof of residency, if you're a home owner you an bring your paperwork for your house, if you're renting a signed lease could do the trick, it may not hurt to bring a few pieces of mail addressed to you as well.
Hopefully all of this gets you ready to go on the trip of a lifetime. If you decide to take a road trip there's some amazing places to check out around America
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