Over Two Years since covid broke through into Washington and we had to lock down for "Two Weeks" to flatten the curve. As we get back to normal life we still have Covid-19 lingering about and people who are still getting sick.

Sadly after two years, I can now say I've gotten covid, I'm currently at home trying to find ways to kill time and get over the annoying sickness. Lucky for you I've found 5 great ways to kill time and stay productive while at home.

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5.) Go For Walks While Masked Up

Though they originally said to stay inside and away from people now doctors are advising that you go outside and get a little fresh air. As long as you mask up, keep your hands to yourself and stay away from others it's okay to go get some air and take a small walk. It'll help your lungs by exercising the body. Don't overdo it tho, take your time and take short walks.

4.) Do Some Late Spring Cleaning

This helped me immensely, I was in no state of mind to be nostalgic or reminiscent of any of my old items, so it was easy to get rid of things I had convinced myself before had sentimental value, t-shirts, video games, old boxes. Pretty much anything that was just taking up space. I was ready to toss it all in the trash which is exactly what I did to kill time.

3.) Go Through Old Clothing

Boy, are my dressers cleared out, not only was I saving clothes from 2012 I had a t-shirt in my closet from when I was 14, and haven't worn it since I was 19. I also found jeans that had more holes than the plot of Star Wars the Last Jedi...which was a lot. Do I have an influx of cash to replace them? No, not really, but do I have an influx of cash for the lawsuits someone might file after seeing me in them? Absolutely not, So I got rid of them.

2.) Make a List of Things you Wanna DoWhen You Get Better 

I've been wanting to work out and get in better shape since I moved to the Yakima Valley, and now I have even more reason to. When I first moved here I dropped about ten pounds just from the lifestyle change, now after covid, I've lost another five pounds so why not capitalize and start working out? Time to start going for those daily jogs after I can breathe again.

1.) Keep Working

This one can be hard, especially when you're at your worst with the covid virus, but taking time to check emails, and work on some projects from home can help you keep routine and make it a lot easier when you return to your job. Maybe your employers told you to just take it easy and not worry about work, then just find other things to fill your time at the same point you'd be working. This was the biggest help to keep busy during the day and not feel like I was falling behind.

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