Ag News: U.S. Tree Fruit Production Up
**U.S.-grown tree fruit has been more plentiful. Government estimates show apple production up 4%, peach crops up 13% and the cherry harvest up 5% compared to a year ago.
The overall U.S. pear crop will be similar to last year, but California production will be up 15%. Grape production will also be close to last year's record.
**The pork industry continues to grapple with the impact of African Swine Fever. From supply to demand, it could have a lasting effect.
Purdue University professor Jayson Lusk tells, “I don’t think people really understand the magnitude of the hog supply in China, with the amount of hogs they lost is double the size of the U.S. hog sector.”
The need to find other proteins could be negative for pork, as China needs other proteins to fill their needs.
**Blue Diamond Growers, a nonprofit grower-owned cooperative, is celebrating the US-Japan Trade Agreement that further promotes trade between the two countries by removing harmful tariffs and providing an equal playing field for American goods like almonds.
Blue Diamond President Mark Jansen tells, an agreement like this provides additional certainty and economic stability to California almond growers and the more than 104,000 people the industry employs. He adds, Blue Diamond applauds the Trump administration for their hard work in completing this important agreement and their support of U.S. Agriculture.