5 Things You’ll Need before Taking on Snoqualmie Pass
If you're planning on visiting family for the holidays in western Washington, you'll need a few things before driving thru the snow on Snoqualmie pass to make sure you get there safe.
Things on these items are best purchased in advanced unless you already have them. You can also check GoodWill or some of your local stores before you make the trip, especially with the winter weather advisory in effect.

5.) Tire Chains
Before you got hitting the pass you'll wanna pull off and attach your chains to your car, with the recent snow hitting the pass it's your safest bet to make it across. You have to remember it's not just yourself you need to be worried about but the fellow drivers on the road as well.
4.) Emergency Kit
In case you end up getting into an accident or slide off the road you'll wanna have an emergency kit in your car ready to go, this includes jumper cables, first aid kit, blankets and flares, you can find more tips for an emergency kit on the the Bull App.
3.) Portable Charger
If you do get the worst of the snow while driving and you end up having to pull over or end up getting stranded, you'll wanna have a portable charger for your phone so you can make a call that could save your life.
2.) Extra Warm Clothing
It's important to stay warm and on the off chance something goes wrong you could find yourself stranded with not much to keep you warm, so pack an extra blanket and a change of warm clothes in case you have to change a tire on the side of the road or find yourself soaked.
1.) Studded Tires
Once again making sure you have the right equipment before you drive could save a life. Studded tires can make sure you get thru that snow like it's not even there, but of course you'll wanna take it easy and make your way thru the pass at a safe pace. Don't be the person sliding off the road with studded tires.
While you're spending time with family make sure you enjoy some fun holiday movies!
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