It seems like there is a National Day for everything lately -- National Gum Day, National Buy A Soda Day, etc. So why shouldn't there be a National Trivia Day? In honor of this day (which happens to be Jan. 4), I have some crazy trivia about Washington state and some things you might not have known about the Evergreen State.Everyone knows that Boeing is in Washington, but did you know that Boeing made the Lunar Rover that astronauts used on the moon? They first started the project in 1969 just outside of Kent, and it was successfully used 17 months later.

Lunar Rover
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Mount Rainer is legendary. It is as dangerous as it is beautiful. It is considered to be one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world.  It's original name was Mount Tahoma, given by the Native Americans in that area.  However, George Vancouver renamed it Mount Rainer for his friend, Peter Rainier. Peter was a rear admiral for the British Navy who fought against Americans.  I think we should change the name back to Tahoma, the way the Native Americans intended.

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Sept. 16 is 'Stay away from Seattle' Day. I guess Seattle residents think that they have too many visitors. They need a break! HA!

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Spokane is the smallest city to have ever hosted a World's Fair. My family and I actually attended that World's Fair in 1974. "Expo 74," it was called. I will never forget it. Pretty cool and my first visit to Washington when I was a kid.

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