Zillah Named One of the Best Small Towns In America
Go, Leopards!! Car Rentals online knows a thing or two about fun places to drive, and the site has posted a blog about the 25 best small towns in the country. As it turns out, Central Washington was represented by Zillah!
Here's how they set up the list:
There’s just something about small towns that captures people’s hearts. Whether it be the historic buildings lining Main Street, the welcoming locals greeting visitors like friends, or the modest cafes serving up “homemade” everything, small towns have an attraction to them that can’t be ignored. We, CarRentals.com, love them and we think you’ll love them, too. We searched the country from coast to coast to find the 25 best small towns in the nation. Why did we choose them? Some are postcard-beautiful. Some have incredible historical significance. Some have must-eat restaurants. And all are worth the drive
SO with that as the framework, the road trip began. And Zillah was one of the charming stops along the way.
Here in the Yakima Valley, we know Zillah for its 3,103 friendly people, diverse agriculture, great wines, high school athletics, Teapot Dome ... and the Church of God-Zillah!
The Car Rental blog sees it like this:
When you think of epic wine regions, Napa and Sonoma usually come to mind. But that’s because you’ve never been to Zillah, Washington, a place surrounded by vines that produce some of the best vino in the West.
What Makes It the Best: The nearby wineries like Severino Cellars and Two Mountain Winery.
One Thing You Must Do Here: Drive along one of the region’s incredible wine trails.
Best Time to Visit: Plan your visit during the spring time, when the weather is great and events like food and wine pairings happen almost daily."
So there you have it. More and more, visitors to our part of the country are discovering the beauty, the charm, the produce and personality of the Yakima Valley -- and the awesome little spot (spot -- like on a leopard) that is Zillah! Congrats, Zill-billies, you earn that reputation every day!