Yakima Applies The Brakes To A Downtown Scooter Program
I didn't watch the meeting but I did see last night's Yakima City Council meeting review and one item caught my eye. If you were looking forward to buzzing around downtown Yakima on a scooter, well, sorry to disappoint but it now looks like that won't be happening.
It wasn't that long ago that the Yakima City Council talked about allowing a scooter company to operate in downtown Yakima. The council asked staff to develop a Request For Proposal giving scooter companies a chance to make a business pitch to the City. At the time City spokesman Randy Beehler said there were no immediate plans to get scooters rolling in downtown Yakima anytime soon but added that it just gives interested companies the chance to explain the reasons why they think a pilot scooter program would be a good thing in Yakima.
Apparently a couple of companies were interested and according to councilwoman Soneya Lund a number of city resident expressed interest in the idea, suggesting it would be fun to get around town on a scooter. Another faction of city residents pointed out that most scooter operations were in larger cities with more attractions and more ground to cover like San Diego. But accidents an liability concerns have a number of cities moving to get rid of scooter programs.
After a little more research the council reached its conclusion with the notes of last night's meeting reading • Rescinding the motion to develop and issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) for a scooter transportation program in Downtown Yakima •
Translation - Scooters sound fund but could likely prove to be more of a hassle than their worth...so flip the switch and pull the plug on City supported scooters in downtown Yakima for the forseeable future.