Wow, does this woman have an inviting womb.

Danesha Couch, of Kansas City, Kan., has given birth to three sets of twins over the last 26 months. None of the kids were born without the aid of fertility treatments.

"People just consider me a freak of nature when I tell them," Couch said.

Couch, 20, has defied the odds -- literally. One estimate says the chances of having three sets of twins is one-in-88,000.

As you may imagine, popping out kids like Pez is demanding. "My regrets would be timing, but I'm really happy that I can even create babies or have life because some women can't do that," Couch said.

Couch and her fiance, who is the father of two of the sets of twins, are planning to marry in September, but aren't looking to have any children for at least a decade.

You can help them deal with the financial impact of having so many kids by donating to their GoFundMe page.

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