What If Yellowstone Characters Were Washington Towns?
Everyone at the radio station is obsessed with the TV series Yellowstone right now and we can't seem to stop talking about it.
Everyone In Washington State Is Loving Yellowstone
One of TV's hottest streaming shows stars Kevin Costner as John Dutton, the owner of a massive ranch in Montana, and his quest to keep control of his ranching empire.

You could almost call the show "Game Of Thrones For Cowboys" as you never know what's going to happen from episode to episode. The series keeps you wanting more and more and has really become a viral sensation.
What If Yellowstone Characters Were Washington Cities And Towns?
Our sister station in Boise started the fun with the "What If" the Yellowstone characters were named for Idaho cities and I thought for sure we have to our Washington version on the same accord. We hate being left out of all of the fun.
We did our best to place the characters and their personalities in the right towns so take a look and see if we matched them up right.
What If Yellowstone Characters Were Washington Towns?
I think we did a great job matching up John Dutton and crew in the right Washington cities and towns but if you think belong elsewhere, drop us a message on our APP and we'll add your picks to our list.
Where Can I Watch Episodes Of Yellowstone
If you haven't watched Yellowstone yet, you are missing out. The show airs on the Paramount Network and it'll keep you on the edge of your seat. The good news is that each season is 10 episodes long which makes it the perfect weekend binging show.
You can check out episodes of Yellowstone here.