Donations Needed for Northwest Harvest’s Emergency Food Boxes
Want to make a difference?
Good, because we do too and we'd love your help. Coastal Farm and Ranch just reached out and challenged our radio station and listeners to raising $1,000 for Northwest Harvest Yakima. If we can get there, they too will donate $1,000!
Help Northwest Harvest create emergency food boxes for families. Northwest Harvest's emergency food boxes are approximately 12 pounds of nutritious, shelf stable food that will help a family of 4 for 4 days. NW Harvest and Coastal Farm & Ranch are joining forces to help this entire month. A suggested donation of $25 - 30 dollars can help significantly. Donate at Coastal Farm & Ranch in Yakima or online at NWHarvestYakima Facebook page.
Boom! It's just that easy and your changing lives and giving back to our very own community.
Now is the time to DONATE
Last year were able to reach it with your help so this year let's crush it even harder
Donate to Northwest Harvest
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