We’re in for Some Windy Weather Thursday and Friday So Lock It Up
Looks like we are in for some serious windy weather so it's been advised that everyone please make sure that what can be tied down and secured, should be.

Last time we had a wind storm I wasn't ready and not only accidently flashed the neighbors when my robe blew open but also lost one of my favorite vases. The wind knocked it off a table that had battled many a wind storm but this time it shattered everywhere. The chairs from the patio furniture were in the front yard and my empty Pacific Northwest Fresh Boxes were gifted to the neighbors, never to be seen again.
Here's what the Yakima Fire Department says
A wind advisory is in effect from 10 am Thursday through 9 pm Friday. U.S. National Weather Service (NWS) expects winds up to 35 mph, gusts up to 45 mph on Thursday. Stronger winds expected Friday, 30 to 40 mph with gusts of 50 to 55.
This will effect Ellensburg all the way to Bend and also through Hood River to Walla Walla.
They also warn everyone to please be careful while you're driving. Getting pushed by wind is no joke. Remember the story I told about that poor mailman on Deception Pass a while back?
If you need a little reminder about what should be tied down here's some ideas. Your patio furniture should at the very least be secured but if you can put it in the garage even better. Take the umbrella out of your patio table just in case, especially if it's a glass one. Wind chimes are fun to have but during a wind storm can get knocked down and take stuff with them. I learned the hard way and it took down some of my outdoor lights, lucky though, only one light bulb broke. Lastly, the trampolines need to be tied to the ground. You've heard of bouncy houses going nuts, trampolines rolling around in the wind can do major damage and they don't hold up very well when being whipped around. Below is a gallery of one of the last wind storms we had. Good luck and stay safe!
From Our Last Wind Storm
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