Ready to Breath some Fresh Air? Washington Mask Mandate ends in March
The mask mandate has been in effect since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic that swept the North West. There was a small moment months back where it seemed like the masks were finally ending if you were vaccinated, but that quickly changed.
Flash forward to today, the Governor of Washington has stated the Mask mandate is finally coming to an end. March 21st the Washington Mask mandate will be lifted and everyone vaccinated or not will no longer be restricted to wearing a mask indoors.

This of course comes as good news to most Washingtonians fed up with wearing the masks, most states across the country have lifted their mask mandate months ago. Many Washingtonians demanded the state follow suit, and it seems they've gotten their wish.
This includes the mandate held on schools, businesses, privately-owned companies, and outdoor events. However, the mask mandate will still be in effect until March 21st making it a state law to keep your face covered while indoors and in crowds outside. After the 21st masks will be optional to both individuals and business owners. This means some places that feel it to be necessary to keep people masked can still implement the rule. The same thing can be decided by school superintendents in each school district.
Still some places in Washington state the mandate will stay in effect, those places are as listed below.
- Healthcare Facilities
- Private Buisnesses That require face masks
- Correctional Facilities
- Public Transit. (Buses, RideShare, Taxi's and School Buses)
- Long Tearm Care Facilities
Inslee also announced that vaccination verification is no longer upheld by the state and you will no longer have to have proof after March 1st. Granted, some venues and events may still ask you to proivide proof of vaccination or a negative covid test.
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