Top 5 Diana Ross (And The Supremes) Jams Perfect For Every Diva
You know how one of the true signs you have either checked out or you are getting older, is when you see someone singing or winning on an award show and you yell out, "Whodahellazat?"
The American Music Awards is this Sunday night and I am sure I won't know half of the people up there winning awards on stage. A performance I am looking forward to seeing is Christina Aguilera, because that lady can sang (not sing, SANG)! The legend-wait for it-dery Diana Ross will also be performing and receiving a Lifetime Achievement award! That makes me giddy!
Diana Ross seems like the most down-to-earth diva (even when she loses her fanny packs at the Marshalls). I have adored her ever since I saw her in a mink stole in the movie Mahogany. At least, I think she was wearing a mink stole. I was barely a year old when the movie came out in 1975, so I have no idea what she was wearing. All I really remember is that my mom loved that movie when the edited version of it came on the TV in the late 80's.
OOPS! Did I just expose my true age? (I've been telling everybody that I'm 32 for a few years now, hee, hee.)
Anywhoo, here are my top five favorite Diana Ross (and The Supremes) jams. Which ones are in your top five?
Upside Down (Boy, You Turn Meeee)
That's not the actual title of the song, but that's how it will always be called by me!
Baby Love
Stop In The Name Of Love
Love Child
My World Is Empty Without You
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