Yakima County Republican Party Chair Matthew Brown, who is also a member of the Yakima City Council says it was one of the largest crowds ever at 901 people.
Looking to hire? Sign up for the 2022 Spring Job Fair or swing on by later this month plus many more positions from Yakima, to Selah, Zillah, Wapato and more!
The Washington Music Educators Association 49th Annual State Conference will be held at the Yakima Convention Center Thursday, February 17 through Sunday, February 20.
This will probably come off as an old man rant about the "good old days", but I submit that concert and event ticket prices are higher than ever and I have the proof!
The 19th Annual (after a one-year hiatus due to the pandemic) returns tonight (June 24) to the Yakima Convention Center to honor athletes, teams, and coaches throughout the Yakima Valley and Central Washington in 21 different high school sports.