The Top 3 Bacon Burgers in the Yakima ValleyThe Top 3 Bacon Burgers in the Yakima ValleyIt's National Bacon Burger day, we decided to narrow down our favorite bacon burgers strictly to fast-food places only local to the Yakima Valley! RyderRyder
Ag News: Mexico Tomato TariffAg News: Mexico Tomato TariffMexican tomatoes entering the U.S. are being hit with a 17.5 percent tariff after the Commerce Department terminated a decades-old tomato
AG News: Delayed USDA ReportsAG News: Delayed USDA ReportsThe markets absorbed an onslaught of information recently when USDA released the delayed and current WASDE numbers AND the Crop Production report.
Ag News: Farm Bill Expiration LossesAg News: Farm Bill Expiration LossesA few programs have lost their authorization and funding due to the farm bill expiration. 39 programs effected including bioenergy and agricultural research
Yakima's hottest crop?Yakima's hottest crop?The Yakima Valley's hops, apples and wines are gaining worldwide acclaim. But tomatoes?Kelly WestKelly West