What Happens If We End Up Losing TikTok in WA & OR?What Happens If We End Up Losing TikTok in WA & OR?When does the TikTok ban start?Reesha On The RadioReesha On The Radio
This New Washington Driving Law Carries Severe Penalties in 2025This New Washington Driving Law Carries Severe Penalties in 2025What are your thoughts on this new driving law in WA?Reesha On The RadioReesha On The Radio
Can You Legally Eat BackyardEggs in WA?Can You Legally Eat BackyardEggs in WA?Why is there still an egg shortage and can we legally get eggs from our friends with the backyard chicken coops?Reesha On The RadioReesha On The Radio
Can You Legally Bring Loaded Guns to Sea-Tac Airport?Can You Legally Bring Loaded Guns to Sea-Tac Airport?What are the rules around bringing guns in your carry-on luggage at the Sea-Tac airport in Seattle?Reesha On The RadioReesha On The Radio
You CAN Pull Out Into Intersection On a Flashing Yellow Light!You CAN Pull Out Into Intersection On a Flashing Yellow Light!You can pull out into the intersection on a flashing yellow light. It's true! Please do!Todd LyonsTodd Lyons