Yakima’s Award Winning Tamales on This National Tamales DayYakima’s Award Winning Tamales on This National Tamales DayWelcome to National Tamales Day.Lance TormeyLance Tormey
3 Stops You’ve Got to Make When Visiting Yakima, Washington3 Stops You’ve Got to Make When Visiting Yakima, WashingtonIf you've ever been interested in touring a grow farm, call one of many in the Yakima valley and you might be able to toke and tour...I'm not sure if that's a thing yet but I call dibs! Sarah JSarah J
What’s the Correct Way to Eat a Tamale?What’s the Correct Way to Eat a Tamale?I can tell you there's a way NOT to eat a tamale and the story is good enough to share!Sarah JSarah J
Foodie Series: Most Popular Pacific Northwest CuisinesFoodie Series: Most Popular Pacific Northwest CuisinesInspiring you to venture out and enjoy the food!Reesha On The RadioReesha On The Radio
Santa Doesn’t Want Your Stale Cookies ‘N Milk Under The Xmas TreeSanta Doesn’t Want Your Stale Cookies ‘N Milk Under The Xmas TreeYou know Dasher and Prancer and Rudolph and 'nem want carrots under the Christmas tree, but what snack(s) are you going to leave Santa this year?Reesha On The RadioReesha On The Radio
Five Funny Amazon Reviews of Maseca Tamales Corn Masa MixFive Funny Amazon Reviews of Maseca Tamales Corn Masa MixSearching for the best masa mix for homemade tamales.Reesha On The RadioReesha On The Radio
Los Hernandez Tamales Turns 30-Years-old in OctoberLos Hernandez Tamales Turns 30-Years-old in OctoberA second Los Hernandez Tamales was opened in the spring of 2019 in Yakima. Lance TormeyLance Tormey
Los Hernandez Tamales Announces ReopeningLos Hernandez Tamales Announces ReopeningThe award-winning restauraunt will remain closed to dine-in patrons.Reesha On The RadioReesha On The Radio