For those who haven't registered yet, it's not too late. Potential voters can register online today through the Washington Secretary of State's office website.
There's a lot of great thigns about living in Washington State, however there's some things we can't stand when someone asks us about living here. These are the top 5 most annoying and most asked questions about living in Washington.
When I first saw the color of Vice-President Kamala's outfit I noted that it was a really pretty royal blue and thought nothing else of it. But then when I hopped online this afternoon and saw a post in one of my Facebook news gossip groups, someone was asking what color was her outfit.
I am very proud to be a United States Citizen. I am not always happy about who runs for our Commander and Chief but, I do respect the seat. We have entrusted people in our government to help us make these decisions. Donald Trump is now our President Of The United States Of America. That is that.
Believe it or not, there are more than four people running for president. You do have a choice. I know it is hard to keep up, but you have options in the presidential election. I am not political at all, but I have five things that I need in a president.
Just as President Barack Obama is telling an audience how special each February is because of Black History Month, he hears an off-camera voice call out: "Hey Michelle!"
To me, every time we get the president or the first lady on TV it is special...
These Barack Odubs are the best. How appropriate for Mr. President to be singing MJ. This guy is the very definition of COOL like that. Por favor believe it!