Results: The Quest For Washington’s Best Burger. Seven Winners!
It's as American as Apple Pie, Baseball, Ford Trucks and Reality TV Shows. It's likely to be enjoyed at backyard barbecues thousands of times this summer. But, we all really like to enjoy them at place that specializes in these glorious creations.
It's 'The Hamburger'.
The hamburger's origins are mired in murky memories but they were likely invented in Texas in the late 1800's. Some good 'ol boy allegedly discovered that if you take a 'Hamburg' steak (ground beef patty) and stick the meat in between two slices of bread, that something magical happens. Pickles, lettuce, tomato, mayo, ketchup....all kinds of creative additions began to appear and voila - you have definitive proof that God exists!
Perhaps you may have seen a recent series of FB posts that I've been following: #washingtonburgerquest. I have been entirely intrigued. Local physician and all-around-great-guy Matt Uhlman has been chronicling his burger discoveries all over the State of Washington in search of the best.
Here's a list of what I'm calling: 'Matt's Super Seven'. In no particular order, these were apparently worthy of sharing with the world's burger lovers and we're glad he did.
7. Burger Firing Center Chevron-Bullseye Burgers - (North of Selah off I-82)
Yes, the Firing Center Chevron has the great Bullseye Burgers. The Double Bullseye burger happens to be one of my favorites if you like meat and a well-built burger! Dr. Uhlman prescribes this one for sure!
6. Mountain High Hamburgers - (Easton)
"The burgers at Mountain High Hamburgers are all named after mountains in the region. The Rainier was a top 3 thus far and cemented this as spot you should probably stop by!"
5. Frugals - (Port Angeles)
Dr. Matt says: "The double bacon cheeseburger here is now tied atop the #washingtonburgerquest for best we’ve had! Legit bacon, some great cheese and patties that taste like the grill also loved it!"
4. Granny's Cafe - (Port Angeles)
Matt said: "was one of the more modest burgers on the #washingtonburgerquest but nonetheless was delicious!" Modesty, accompanied by juicy, is always a good thing!
3. Blackberry Cafe - (Joyce, WA)
This double-bacon-cheeseburger was apparently next-level-good! However, Matt says: "Our first regret on the quest was not being hungry enough for the #saquatchburger - 20 ozs of meat laden beauty!"
2. Fat Smitty's - (Discovery Bay, Port Townsend)
Another one from the Uhlman's Olympic Peninsula Trek, when I hear the name Fat Smitty's, I instantly believe the burgers are good! "The namesake burger was MONSTROUS...like almost doesn’t fit in you hand big! It was as delicious as it was epically large." Mmmmmm. Meat.........
1. Stop N Go - (Yakima, Washington, USA, Earth)
One of the best burgers I've had in Yakima, this delight from Stop N Go had high marks: "The Texas burger with bacon was another solid addition to the #washingtonburgerquest - you automatically get point for legit bacon and this beast had LEGIT bacon!"
As we said, this countdown was in no particular order and this was by no means the extent of the Uhlman's list on #washingtonburgerquest. We'll do a follow-up article in the near future with other discoveries but, in the meantime, I suggest you join me in getting out there and compiling a list of your own. It's a 'tough job' but somebody has to do it -- and the research is delicious.