Rep Dan Newhouse To Lead Western Caucus for 117th Congress
4th District Congressman Dan Newhouse (R-WA) was recently voted unanimously to serve as Chairman of the Western Caucus for the 117th Congress. The group is a bipartisan coalition of nearly 70 Members of Congress from 35 different states and territories who advocate for rural, western, and resource-based communities.
Newhouse says, “The Congressional Western Caucus is the premiere organization advocating for rural policy issues throughout the West and beyond... I intend to expand our influence, and help achieve new victories for our Members in the 117th Congress."
Out going Chairman Paul Gosar (R-AZ) applauds the choice of Newhouse, "Over my 4 years as Chairman, Dan has been a constant by my side. From the Arizona desert to the North Slope of Alaska, I could always count on Dan to be there working for rural and western constituents. I know him to be an outstanding advocate for the priorities of the Caucus and a leader for Western and Rural America."
From a press release announcing the change : Initially, the Caucus was born in the West out of concerns of undue federal interference with rural, agricultural, timber, water, energy and hunting values that had been a part of American society for centuries. The Caucus was founded to fight this federal overreach, promote rural values and preserve our uniquely American way of life. Over time, the Caucus has grown beyond the geographic West, allying with Members of Congress throughout the country that share our values, issues, and vision of a stronger America. Click here to learn more about the Western Caucus.