Queen Tried Recording New Song With Adam Lambert + ‘Won’t Rule Out’ Album
The likelihood of brand new music from Queen with Adam Lambert seems more realistic than ever now that guitarist Brian May and drummer Roger Taylor have divulged a prior attempt to record a song with the singer. While that was never completely finished, they're not ruling out the chance that a full album of new material will someday materialize.
The prospect of a new Queen album is, of course, gigantic. Since Freddie Mercury's death in 1991, Queen have only released one record — 1995's Made in Heaven — which was culled from vocal and piano recordings from when the singer was still alive.
Speaking with Classic Rock recently, Taylor relayed, "We did record a song which we haven't actually finished. I can't remember what it's called. I think we were still discussing what we should call it.
May further explained, "It was a song that we'd tried to adapt that had come from a friend. It had the makings of being a great song, but we couldn't crack it. We couldn't get there."
The band did, however, release a "new" song last year, "You Are the Champions," a reworking of the classic "We Are the Champions" in an homage to healthcare workers around the globe who have worked tirelessly to treat patients diagnosed with COVID-19.
Taylor even asserted the notion that Queen could link up with Lambert for a completely new record, nevermind just potentially finishing up that one song if they can find a sticking point.
"It would be nice to do some stuff. I wouldn’t rule it out," said the drummer about a full length. "Adam has said, ‘Any time you want me to sing on something…' If the other two decide, 'Let’s do something,' I'd be there."
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