Welcome to PopCrush's Daily Break! Here's a breakdown of today's hottest pop culture and lifestyle stories as heard on PopCrush Nights, airing across the country. Check out Meghan McCain's The View exit, Ryan Reynolds' first TikTok and more, below.

Meghan McCain Leaving 'The View' After One Too Many Co-Host Arguments

Meghan McCain is leaving The View after the arguments with her talkshow co-hosts became too much. McCain felt that too much weight was put on her after being the only conservative voice on the show and that she was tired of being ganged up on. She plans to leave at the end of July and has not directly told her co-hosts about her decision. Yikes! (via TMZ)

The Most Common Things We 'Fake It 'Til We Make It'

In a recent survey where people listed topics that they pretend to know about but actually don't, 62 percent admitted that they act like they know more about things than they do, with the most popular topic being cars. The second most common topic that gets "faked" is home improvement, followed by tech, taxes and parenting. (via SWNS Digital)

NCAA Student Athletes Now Allowed Paid Endorsements

As of July 2021, college athletes will now be able to endorse products using their name, image and likeness. (via Biz News Post)

Petition Organizer Behind 'Late Late Show With James Corden' Segment Receives Death Threats

Kim Saira, who recently started a petition against the "Fill Your Guts or Spill Your Guts" segment on The Late Late Show With James Corden, is now receiving death threats from people who disagree with her movement. The petition was originally started because she and the 45,000 others who signed the petition thought that the foods used during the segment mock Asian culture. James Corden responded to the petition by saying that, moving forward, the show will stay away from foods from other cultures and instead use foods that are unhealthy. (via TMZ)

James Franco Reaches $2.2 Million Settlement in Sexual Misconduct Lawsuit

After two of James Franco's former acting students filed a sexual misconduct lawsuit against him back in 2019, details of the settlement have finally been revealed. A $2.2 million settlement has been reached among Franco and the former students, Sarah Tither-Kaplan and Toni Gaal. (via People)

Washington Couple Treks To California To Bring A/C Units To Neighbors

How far will you go for some air conditioning? A Washington man and his wife trekked to California during the heatwave this past week. Jason Smith and his wife were also able to bring back new A/C units for a disabled veteran and a neighbor who requested a unit for a friend who has cancer. (via King5)

Ryan Reynolds Is Now on TikTok

Actor Ryan Reynolds threw it back to one of his first movies for his first TikTok. He recreated the beginning of the rom-com Just Friends. Reynolds captioned the TikTok assuring fans that they will be disappointed with his account.

Eight Percent of People Passionately Dislike Fireworks

In a recent poll, 40 percent of respondents shared that they overall enjoy but aren't too fond of fireworks. Only eight percent claimed they "dislike a lot" fireworks. (via YouGovAmerica)

Stars Who Lied About Their Age

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