When Does the 2024 Girl Scout Cookie Season Start in WA?
Inquiring hungry minds in Washington state want to know: When does the Girl Scout cookie season start in 2024?
My 12-year-old daughter Willow used to be a Girl Scout, therefore making me a former Girl Scout Mom. She started as a Daisy and went all the way up to Junior Scout. I got boots-on-the-ground experience helping her sell a bunch of Girl Scout cookies.🍪
I'm sure there are cookie fans everywhere, but I've seen it with my own eyes how people in Washington state really go C-R-A-Z-Y for Girl Scout cookies.
Our best-selling cookie days were at the entrance of Walmarts and Safeways, although we didn’t do too bad selling them door-to-door and amongst our friends and co-workers.

The nonprofit shares some of the cookie sales proceeds with each troop, which gives motivation to the girls (and their parents) to endure those long shifts pushing cookies in the chilly winter and early spring air. We used our proceeds funds to take the girls on fun trips as a reward. Our favorite trips were going to the Northwest Trek Zoo and to a fun overnight camping trip to see Mt. Rainier.
🍪🍪The flavors of the trademarked Girl Scout cookies in Washington state this year include:
- Toffee-tastic
- Girl Scout Smores
- Lemon-Ups
- Trefoils
- Do-si-dos
- Tagalongs
- Samoas
- Thin Mints (the most popular Girl Scout cookie flavor in my book!)
- Adventurefuls (the newest cookie flavor)
If you would like more info on how the young girl in your life can become a Girl Scout visit the main site or one of our local regional websites, like the Girl Scouts of Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho.
SEE ALSO: Walmart Sinks to New Low - Sells Generic Girl Scout Cookies
Oregon and Southwest Washington’s Girl Scout Cookie Season has already begun and will begin in Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho on February 9, 2024.
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